The good news is, unlike 1980, we now have the Internet as an option for dating. I have heard from many lesbians of all ages that they have met their partners online. If you do meet someone online, eventually you will probably want to meet her in person, but hopefully, by that time you will have emailed and talked to her on the phone enough that a face-to-face encounter won’t scare you.
Another great way to meet lesbians is to get involved with activities that interest you. Certainly going to a bar is not for everyone, especially people who have issues with alcohol. There are many other great places to meet lesbians. If you’re in a community where people are out and open, you can meet lesbians just about anywhere doing anything you enjoy. Plus, just getting out, you will feel better about yourself and stop focusing so much on how hard it is to meet women.
Get Involved in Activities for Older Women
Pick activities that are likely to appeal to women in your age range. Things like bowling, gardening clubs, reading groups, and hiking groups are all great places to meet older women. Or, you can check out a group specifically for older lesbians.
Get Your Friends Involved
Letting others know you’re open to meeting new people is a great way to get introduced. If you are shy, don’t have your friends “set you up,” rather, have them invite you over for dinner, to a movie or some other social activity you might enjoy with one or two single friends. That way there is less pressure on you.
Desperately Seeking Lesbian Love
If you're older and looking for a partner, it may feel like you're under a deadline to find "the one." Be careful not to come off as sounding desperate or needy as that will either scare women away or attract those who wish to take advantage of you. Believe that you are worthy and love will come to you. Well, you can’t just sit back and wait for it. You have to take the next steps and put yourself out there. You will probably have some success and some failures, but you can’t let the rejections get you down. They are all part of the process.